Wednesday Writing Snack #1: Daydreaming Is a Feature, Not a Bug
I'm testing something new. I'm calling it Wednesday Writing Snacks. I envision it as a quick and dirty bit of writing advice that works for me and that might work for you, too. I'm still working on the tagline. Right now I have: "You won't get one every Wednesday, but if you get one, you know it's Wednesday."
I make no apologies. 😊
Here's the inaugural Wednesday Writing Snack: daydreaming is a feature of writing, not a bug. Like most everything I know about writing, I forget this one from book to book and get angry when my mind wanders while writing or--even worse--instead of writing.
The first time that the wandering connects two crucial points in my plot, or shows me the way out of a corner I've typed myself into, I think it's a fluke. It's not until the second or third time it happens that I remember that the brain needs play to create.
That's it. That's the first Snack. Schedule time for brain play with your project because it's just as much a part of it as writing and editing.
p.s.If you really want to supercharge your writing? Find a mindless activity that busies your body and frees your brain: paint your nails, do subversive cross-stitch, jog if that's your jam.