11 Writing Truths (#1)

In cleaning out a folder marked "Presentations," I came across a keynote speech I wrote six years go titled "11 Things I Know for Sure about Writing."

"This'll be rich," I thought, opening it. (Current Jessie frequently discovers that past Jessie was both cocky AND clueless, which is scientifically the worst combination). But I'll be danged if that list didn't hold up. It's so good that I'm going to share it with you one truth at a time to keep it snack-sized. 

The first item on the list? "Writing is hard; rewriting your life is harder."

Here's what it means: if you are struggling right now with your writing, that means you're doing it exactly right. That's not to say you won't write great tracts of steaming poop stew, or that you won't have beautiful stretches where it seems as if the gods are whispering in your ear.

What it means is that writing is mostly very, very hard, and it's meant to be. Cohering the many loud, confusing, and sometimes terrifying threads of life into a single book is not a job for the weak. If you're struggling, if it feels really hard, you're on the right path.

And if you're doing something else, something I call rewriting your life, it's even more difficult.

Like many writers, I dig into my personal trauma, my authentic experiences, and my wisdom (such as it is) when I write a book. I call this process "rewriting your life," and I think it's the only way to create stories that resonate. 

It's a transformative way to write, and I think it's why my books are selling so well. But writing this way is also really, really hard in the way that any act of deep self-awareness can feel like pushing water uphill.

So here's what this first truth means in action: cut yourself slack when you're writing, and particularly when you're struggling with it. The struggle is the process. 

Writing is hard; writing true is even harder.

  1. Accept. 

  2. Prepare. (finding a writing group or signing up for a retreat is a great way to do this.)

  3. Don't give up.

And that's the latest Wednesday Writing Snack. πŸ€“ πŸ’š 

Stay tuned for the next ten truths. (Sneak peek: the 11th truth is three magic words that answer almost any "how should I...?" writing question ever been asked).

Jessica LoureyComment